by Sandy Rees of
www.GetFullyFunded.comIf you’re like me and you grew up in church, you may be familiar with the passage “The truth shall set you free.” Regardless of what your religious beliefs are, I think there’s some wisdom in this for us as Fundraisers.
Speaking the truth may require you to shift your thinking. If you’re stuck in a poverty mentality, you run your nonprofit on a shoestring, and you believe that it makes you a more worthy nonprofit, then you really need to learn to speak the truth! These beliefs keep you stuck in a place of lack, and that’s not a good place for fundraising!
The truth is that your organization was started to do something worthwhile and make a difference in this world. Whether you’re feeding the hungry, protecting clean water, or preserving history, you’re really about changing lives. That’s the first piece of truth you must believe in.
Also, you must accept that if your organization is doing something worthwhile, it's worthy of receiving donations. Lots of donations. BIG donations. I'm astounded at the number of people who view their organization as "just a little nonprofit" and don't see it as equal to other nonprofits. They say things like "Our mission isn't sexy like _______." "We don't have major donors like _______ does." "We can't get the media's attention like _______ does." Do you see the stinkin' thinkin' here? When you think like this, you are actually setting the course for the future. You're dooming your nonprofit to remain small. Here's the truth: your nonprofit is just as worthy as any other nonprofit out there. So start acting like it.
Finally, you must believe that no matter what you hear on the news about the economy, there are people out there who want to support your cause and are willing to make a gift. (If you need to, read that sentence again and again.) It’s true. I heard from a client just the other day, that they reached their campaign goal already this year (and it’s just barely November!) and are in great shape to start 2012. Another client started 2011 with a cash surplus because they did so well last year during the holidays. I’m here to tell you that you are no different. You can do this too.
The success in fundraising happens when you use best practice fundraising techniques with a positive outlook, and you expect good things to happen.
Once you learn how to recognize and speak the truth, I bet you’ll find it incredibly freeing, and you’ll find fundraising to be easier and more fruitful.
Sandy Rees, CFRE, is a coach, consultant, and trainer who shows nonprofit organizations how to raise more money and grow their Boards. For free tip s on how to raise all the money your organization needs, visit