Monday, September 7, 2009

Feeling Glad? 4 Tips to help you increase your 'Glad Meter'

"Anxiety in the man's heart causes depression. But a good word makes it glad." -Proverbs 12:25

Are you in a place of gladness or a space of depression? Much has been written and spoken about vision in the secular world in more recent years. And interestingly enough, we don't hear about it a lot in the faith world. We hear a lot about being filled with joy and peace, letting go of wounds and hurts and focusing on all things good. There are words spoken and books written about getting understanding and finding peace to rid one of depression and anxiety. We even see things written and prayers prayed that fill us with good things and cast out the negative. But what makes us glad and how do we find it?

Webster's Dictionary defines glad as "feeling joy or pleasure; delighted; pleased: glad about the good news; glad that you are here" and yet there are no instructions on how to get "glad."

We are continually bombarded with ways 'not to be' or attitudes to be 'adjusted' and yet there still seems to be this illusive quality of glad that we strive for - only to continually fall short. My experience tells me from the years of coaching and encouraging others, that many people don't have a vision for what that place of 'glad' looks like, on the personal level. They haven't yet identified the steps and even desires to get to that place that is spoken of so frequently. Have you too been waiting for that good word in your life to get out of being depressed or anxiety ridden and into having a heart that is truly glad?

Good News! We have a good word for you today with 4 simple tips to help you identify and increase your "GLAD meter."

1.) Gauge the future not based on your past, base it on where God is leading you. When we know that we know, that we know the voice of God and how it moves in our life, we begin to set markers that support growth and joy.

2.) Lead from a heart motive. We are all called to lead, and when we lead with our heart toward what we know is God inspired in our life, we increase our efficacy for daily life and relationships.

3.) Action is always a necessity, we don't just happen upon things without some form of action. Defining what the steps look like to move toward what we are called for motivates us toward the results that are most satisfying.

4.) Define your life's vision - build a support network to help you see what you were created for and put it into a plan that defines your action, leads you toward satisfaction so that you can easily gauge your glad meter.

Would you like to take action, build a support network and increase your "glad meter?" Join us on October 9th at "Strength 2 Strength - A Conference for Christian Business Women" in Bellevue, WA. MORE INFO
Posted by Tammy Redmon

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