Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Powerful Prayer for You

My friend and author Inez Reilly sent this to me recently, and with her permission, I'd like to share it with you as well.

Most Gracious God, my Father - I come to You, today, giving You all the honor and glory due Your name. Sovereign ruler of all of the heavens and earth, You sit high and You look low, forever concerning Yourself with Your creation. You own the cattle on a thousand hills, and You have stored up riches and possessions for Your children to inherit, if we just believe.

I make Your name great in the earth. I will always declare Your awesome wonders to all who will listen. You intend to manifest Your blessings and favor upon Your people, Your chosen ones - the apple of Your eye - You have us engraved on the palms of both Your hands, never to leave or forsake us. Your mercy is from everlasting to everlasting, and Your grace encompasses us, like a robe. You have crowned us with Your loving kindness and encamped us round about with ministering angels, like flames of fire.

It is by Your command that the sun rises and sets - You declare when the tide rolls in and goes out. At Your word, the moon shines brilliantly upon the earth - You are magnificent! You are awesome! You are marvelous! Everything You do is for our good, and I thank You for it all.
I come to You, Elohim, on behalf of my sister. I declare that Your greatness is made manifest in her life. I decree that Your glory will surround her, like a cloud, being evident to those around her. The ministry, You have called her to, is blessed. You have fallowed out the ground, therefore as she walks she prospers and increases - You have brought increase to those she has been allowed to plant and to those she has been allowed to water. She is a fruitful garden, with leaves upturned in worship.

Bless her with longstanding endurance like the palm tree - allow her to flourish and be continually verdant, like the evergreen. Let her words be soft and filled with power and beauty, like the rose. Touch her, with your love, and cause her to bow her heart in adoration as her face shines with your grace. Cause her to allow your Spirit to search her heart, her mind and her spirit, turning over every area to you, in submission to your will for her life.

Speak to her, on her bed, at night - greet her with your Presence when she awakes, in the morning - walk with her in the cool of the evening. Woo her, Adonai! Draw her to yourself and hold her close, when she cries out to you. Be fierce in your protectiveness, causing her peace as she walks through any valley - she shall fear no evil, because you are with her - comfort her, console her, build her up in her most holy faith.

Come into her situations, circumstances and her immediate personal space, as she communes with you. Let your Spirit surround her, on all sides, infusing her with power, might, strength and security. She is NEVER alone. Speak to her heart, right now. Make clear your plans for her "right now" season. Still her heart, so she can hear your whispers of direction. Light her way, as she leads those you have called her to lead. Help her to submit to whom you have called to mentor and lead her.

She is your daughter and you are her Father - blow your wind upon her, right now, in the name of Jesus and pull her onto your lap. Allow her to lay her head upon your bosom, to quiet her spirit. Lull her into the sweet sleep that you have designed for your beloved, at night - Refresh and revive her for the day's journey, in the morning. She is healed, by the stripes of Jesus - any sickness or disease that tries to attach itself to her, is trespassing and has no right. She is free, because Jesus, your Truth, has made her free. The enemy has no power over her, her ministry, her family or her friends - his assignment is loosed from her life and bound with the shackles, from heaven.

She will walk, daily, in the Light and power of your Love. I pray this and believe it to be done, according to the power you have given to me - by the name of your Son, Jesus - it is so - AMEN!!!

Posted by Krista Dunk, prayer by Inez Reilly of

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