Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Truth, as We Believe It

We act in accordance with the truth, as we believe it.

Did you know that April is the month for canceling out Negative Self-Talk at KBWomen? Well it is. We are casting down strongholds and limiting beliefs that have held our powerful women captive far too long. Will you join us? You may not even realize it, but did you know that ‘we act in accordance with the truth as we believe it?’ Well it’s true, scientifically proven, we do. So what that tells me, according to how I hear women speak about themselves is that, women everywhere believe they are less than blessed and highly favored!

Sadly, we have raised up generations of women that are speaking negative words into their lives in such a way that it is fostering limiting beliefs and sabotaging self efficacy (the positive lens I look at life through). Women everywhere seem to be using words of defeat and doubt when talking about themselves, their businesses and the services they provide. It has caught my attention at an alarming rate most recently. What I am perplexed with is that we were created for so much more, so why aren’t we living into Gods best?

The dictionary definition of Negative=lacking in constructiveness, helpfulness, optimism, cooperativeness, OR = being without rewards, results, or effectiveness.

Wow, now them are some fightin’ words y’all!!

But isn’t it interesting that The Words definition of negative = nothing, the word ‘negative’ is not even in the Bible! So what is that telling us? Well, we know that life and death is in the power of the tongue (Prov 18:21.) And, we know that a wholesome tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit (Prov 15:4.) Interestingly, there are so many references in my concordance to the word 'Speak' that I couldn’t even count them all! Hokee Dinah! (A special Tammy term :-) God really wants us to be clear that we have power in our words and when we use them well, we reap the rewards.

So, why then do so many women have a hard time speaking positively over their hopes, dreams, lives, and situations? What has happened over the course of their life on earth that has gotten them so far off of God’s Word? In part, it comes from past conditioning and partially also from limiting beliefs that we have had placed on us by other people (or lifestyles we have had witnessed to us). It also comes in part (I believe) with how we see ourselves in Christ Jesus and the relationship that we do or do not have with Him. Christ was sent here to take on all of our earthly wounds, hurts, pain, grief, sickness and a host of other heavy burdens. He died and rose again so that we could not only live life, but live it more abundantly! That can’t truly be obtained if we are being a negative Nellie at every turnaround in our life. So what do we do about it now?

Call the tongue and negative mindset to come up under the wings of the Almighty God and seek forgiveness, from Him and yourself. Woman, don’t be so hard on you. Filter out the negative self-image, self-talk and self-awareness that you have carried for far too many years. God is so much bigger than how you may be living right now. He wants to see you rejoice in His glory, live life and live it more abundantly and He sees you as a beautiful princess designed for greatness. Get that image in your head and affirm it now that you 1. have new tongue, 2. that you were created for greatness, 3. that your Heavenly Daddy cherishes you, and 4. that you are Victorious! If we truly do act in accordance with the truth, as we believe it, then affirming how you act and live will move you toward your dreams and goals.

We are praying for you daily here at KBWomen that you may truly know and see what God has in store for you, your future and beyond. That you will act in accordance with His truth for your life. Here is an affirmation to help you get stared on changing your self-talk.

Affirmation: It’s just like me to walk with my head held high each day as the successful woman of God that I am, continually speaking blessing and favor over my life, my business, my family, and my home.
-Tammy Redmon


Anonymous said...

What a powerful Affirmation! I'm putting it with my daily notebook so I can see it every day! This is awesome!

Tammy Redmon said...

Great to hear the affirmation is landing with people. The best way to use affirmations is to read them in the morning and in the evening - every day.

As we change our current image to the new vision what happens is truly amazing. We grow more and more uncomfortable with the current image and start to reject it. The end result, we achieve the goal, new vision, and reap great reward.