Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Strength 2 Strength Conference Audio Pre-Order SALE!

Did you make it to KBWomen's Strength 2 Strength Conference on October 9th? It was a great day of community building, shopping, networking, eating, learning, and getting wisdom. We know that some of you wanted to make it, but were unable to. Three very special guest speakers joined us that day, including our keynote speaker Dondi Scumaci, owner Jill Hart and Audrey Godwin, CPA. Each woman brought valuable information and insight on business skill topics, from a faith-based perspective.

Koinonia Business Women is making the conference speaker audio files available for purchase. They will be ready for either instant download or CD's by mail next Friday, Nov. 20th.

Save some cash by ordering between now and Friday, November 20th. On November 21st, prices will reflect their regular retail prices of $30 full set and $12 individual audios. Package deals are available! Pre-orders also include special BONUS audios, including Krista Dunk's session on "Removing Labels," and Tammy Redmon's audio teaching on "Don't Let the Holidays Steal Your Joy."
Jill Hart's Session: "Secrets of Social Media"
Audrey Godwin's Session: "Money Attitudes, Ideas & Plans"
Dondi Scumaci's Keynote Session: "You Are Designed for Success!"
If you are interested in reading more about the speakers, visit our conference speaker bios page. To get more information about ordering the speaker audio files, visit our KBWomen products page HERE.

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